Tax Return Review Agreement

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This is an agreement between Clergy Advantage®, Inc. and the signer for the review of one year’s Individual tax return for the fee of $320, unless otherwise noted. This service is not available between January 1st and April 30th, and does not apply to entities or business returns. The filing of an amended tax return is not included.


Tax Return Review Services include: A review of four main areas that are often miscalculated or overlooked in ministers’ tax returns with recommendations. These areas include:

  • Social Security Self-Employment Tax
  • Ministry Expenses
  • Housing Allowance Issues
  • Ministry Income

Recommendations for future tax planning and whether an amendment is advisable. If your tax advisor feels that an amendment is recommended, he/she will give you an estimate of the cost, and the tax implications.

We will send you a link to a secure online portal so you can securely upload the following documents”

  1. The complete federal and state tax return
  2. W-2 and 1099 Forms
  3. Tax Organizer if any
  4. Housing expense figures
  5. Other applicable tax documents, summaries and information
  6. Church Pay Package details (salary, housing, social security bonus, etc.)
  7. Completed Tax Return Review Questionnaire information.

Please complete the following questionnaire to provide us with information to help us understand your situation.

Client’s dated signature below constitutes full acceptance of all terms and conditions specified in this document.
Clear Signature
Credit Card
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date
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