You were trained to lead and serve – not to decipher the details of clergy tax or retirement. That’s our specialty and we love doing it because of the incredible opportunities we can uncover for our clients and friends. Call us, we’d love to learn what we can do for you.
Skilled clergy tax preparation is the first step to maximizing your amazing benefits. Work with experienced tax advisors who focus exclusively on ministers for accurate and optimal results.
Questions? Or do you want to take your tax savings to the next level with tax planning? Get the personal guidance and customized solutions you need to make a profound difference in your future.
Wondering if your tax return has been prepared correctly? Are you sure you’re getting the full value of your unique benefits? Enjoy peace of mind and greater tax-savings with an expert review.
Ministers can keep housing allowance benefits for life with proper planning. Retire well with financial independence, plan for ministry, a new home, or your next season and keep your housing allowance benefits with tax-free distributions for life… No matter where you go- even if you leave ministry altogether.
Clergy specific coaching and education with world class investment choices are the hallmarks of the Clergy Advantage 403(b). This allows participants to use their amazing benefits in a personalized plan with free consulting for as long as they are in the plan.
These financial tools can provide protection on your principal while the investment has opportunity to grow at a greater rate than many fixed income investments.
The Clergy Planning Group team, plan administrators and allied organizations are committed to monitoring and employing the best money managers available. This means that there is careful oversight and adjustment where it’s deemed in the best interest of the plan participants.
With so many great options to choose from, you can Invest in funds that support your goals and values, including sector control and values based options.
Administration of the plan is the responsibility of the plan sponsor, Church and Clergy Alliance, not your church. This makes the plan more cost effective for your organization and easier to manage. Staff can focus their time on their jobs, not additional duties of compliance and complicated oversight of the retirement plan.
The Clergy Advantage 403(b) is designed to help ministers keep housing allowance distributions for tax-free income for life. Take your plan and benefits with you wherever you go; when you retire, change jobs or even if you leave the ministry altogether.
This plan features a Roth option allowing you to make post tax contributions to your 403(b). Consult with your advisor to determine if this feature is appropriate for you.
This plan is very competitively priced. In some cases there are no fees. Your advisor will be happy to discuss this in more detail for a complete breakdown.
Not all 403(b) plans are created equal. The Clergy Advantage 403(b) retirement plan is purposefully designed to preserve ministers’ housing allowance distributions for life even if they leave the ministry. It’s able to provide tax savings in all three areas of taxation when set up and administrated properly.
Ministers can’t afford to use the same retirement plans or strategies that work for regular employees. To start with, you can you can enjoy significant tax savings and tax-free income for life even if you leave ministry with the right planning. Talk with a clergy retirement specialists to learn what’s available to you.
The most important element in your financial future is not stocks, bonds or mutual funds. It’s working with qualified professionals who understand what’s available to ministers and how to use your unique tax advantages in your total financial plan.
Life insurance has a valuable purpose for everyone, but for most people it should not be used as an investment. Don’t buy or pay more than you need to. Get the best life insurance at the best price for your unique needs.
Most disability insurance is not designed to cover ministers’ benefits and housing allowance. Learn how to get the right kind of disability insurance that factors in your unique ministry benefits for greater coverage when you need it most.
Instead of applying for complicated and expensive 501(c)(3) status explore the advantages of a Charitable Corporation. It can provide significant benefits in the right circumstances that are not available to tax exempt organizations. Watch the short video above for more information and call us to learn if it’s right for you.
It can allow ministers ALL CLERGY TAX BENEFITS, including housing allowance, an accountable plan for ministry expenses and a clergy 403(b) retirement plan.
It can also provide reimbursement for healthcare, premiums for insurance, long term care and other healthcare related expense as a tax-free benefit.
There’s even a way to a way to allow Charitable donations to be tax-deductible for your donors.
Any new or existing ministry or anyone wanting to start a ministry should look into a Charitable C. It can be especially beneficial for:
Talk to a clergy tax specialist to help you decide if this could be a better way to manage your ministry and preserve your benefits.
These tax-tips, articles and videos are arranged by subject to help you understand and use your amazing tax benefits more effectively. Contact us for personal guidance or to learn more.
2093 East 11th Street, Suite 200
Loveland, CO 80537
p (970) 667-5819
f (970) 663-4950